Shamanic Healing 薩滿療癒

Shamanic healing power animal


薩滿療癒師會透過祈禱去跟天地萬物連結及溝通,我們信任大自然的一切,信任我們的spirit guides,在薩滿的世界裏我們相信萬物皆有靈。薩滿療癒師用的工具都來自於大自然,除了祈禱、唱頌、跳舞、樂器、還有草藥煙薰等等。薩滿療癒師就是天地萬物的媒介,作為管道為別人療癒,整個療癒過程療癒師及個案會放下一切自我,在黑暗中看見,只跟隨spirit的引領及聽從心的聲音,讓我們從過去走出來,回到當下。




    • 薩滿式抽取 (移除阻塞的或不屬於你的能量)
    • 力量砂鈴/薩滿鼓 (給予當下需要的力量)
    • 脈輪清理及療癒
    • 連結你的力量動物
    • 找回及修復靈魂碎片
    • 慈悲式靈體移除


    Feel free to contact us on Instagram for more info or to make appointment!


    Unlock the Ancient Wisdom of Healing: Discover the Power of Shamanic Practice

    For centuries, Shamanic practice has been a trusted source of healing, passed down through generations. It's a deep well of wisdom from our ancestors, rooted in the interconnectedness of nature and spirit. Across the globe, indigenous cultures have preserved this powerful tradition, leaving behind rich records of its effectiveness.

    Imagine tapping into this ancient practice. Through Shamanic practice, you can connect with your own inner wisdom, guided by the spirits of nature and your own personal spirit guides. This journey allows you to confront and heal your shadow self, leading to a profound sense of wholeness and balance.

    Ready to experience the transformative power of Shamanic practice? 

    Take the first step towards healing and rediscovering your true potential.

    Moonpath Studio Shamanic healing services:

    • Find your power/spirit animal and see their messages for you
    • Remove energies that do not belong to you
    • Get the power you need at the moment
    • Chakra healing
    • Soul retrieval

    Each session takes approximately ~1.5 to 2 hour. It varies depending on your situation, we will ask your higher self for permission and see which item you will need to do.